Here's our top ten list for the best* (great undefinable term) books, or at least our favorite books, we've ever bought! Each of the following books has a story, most of them VERY good. But we'll save the stories for another day. Today we're just going to list the books, why their important, and of course we'll have photo's too!
This list won't be based solely on current values, as there will be an element of personal bias. But I'm sure you'll agree they're all books any collector would love to own. The first 3 books in the list should probably be higher, but due to various circumstances, we weren't able to keep these in the personal stash, thus they've received a slight downgrade.
I've realized as I've tried to pick just 10 that I should have probably done a Marvel only & DC only list, but for now, we'll just stick with the 1. Our breakdown is 8 Marvel's 2 DC's.
10.) Tales Of Suspense # 39
Relevance: 1st Appearance Of Iron Man
Grade: CGC'd 3.5
Purchased: Spring Of 2015
9.) X-Men # 1
Relevance: 1st Appearance Of The X-Men
Grade: CGC'd 4.0
Purchased: Summer Of 2012
8.) Brave & The Bold # 28
Relevance: 1st Appearance Of The Justice League
Grade: CGC'd 3.5
Purchased: Summer Of 2012
7.) Batman # 9
Relevance: Classic Batman & Robin Spotlight Cover
Grade: VG
Purchased: Spring Of 2013
6.) Avengers # 1
Relevance: 1st Appearance Of The Avengers
Grade: VG/FN
Purchased: Summer 2013
5.) Incredible Hulk # 1
Relevance: 1st Appearance Of The Incredible Hulk
Grade: VG
Purchased: Summer of 2013
This isn't our Hulk # 1, just a google image stand-in. I'll have to grab a scan & upload it later.
4.) Journey Into Mystery # 83
Relevance: 1st Appearance Of Thor
Grade: FN
Purchased: Summer Of 2013
3.) Avengers # 4
Relevance: 1st Appearance Of Captain America In The Silver Age
Grade: FN
Purchased: Summer of 2013
Yet again, I need to grab a scan of our copy, so the stand-in will have to do for now.
2.) Amazing Fantasy # 15
Relevance: 1st Appearance Of Spider-Man
Grade: GD
Purchased: Summer of 2013
1.) Amazing Spider-Man # 1
Relevance: This book is special to me because, while it certainly isn't the most valuable book we've ever bought, it was the last issue I needed to finish my personal run of The Amazing Spider-Man. As it had immense intrinsic value as the final piece in a 750+ book puzzle, it lands at # 1 for us.
Grade: VG/FN
Purchased: Summer of 2015.
And there you have it, 10 beautiful pieces of Golden & Silver Age goodness. You can see these images and hundreds more of our favorite finds in our newly revamped Classic Cover Galleries.