Weekend Sale!

I gotta tell you guys, it's been a good day! Amongst other minor excitements, I found out that we got extended into a specific eBay promotion that will save us a TON of $$$ on fees. I think we can all agree that fees suck, so... saving a bunch on them is always a big win.

So you already know where I'm going with that, LET'S RUN A SALE! 

I'm always big on passing on our savings to you, our customers, so we'll go crazy this weekend and in honor of my good mood, offer you 25% off WHATEVER YOU WANT! Over and above our lowest published price.

All you have to do to get said deal, is make us an offer on whatever you want at 25% less than our current ask and use offer code "25" in the comments section.

That's it! That simple!

