Dr. Strange & A Sale!

I'm going to begin something a bit new this week, rather than making you dig through the entire post for the sale info, I'm going to begin throwing it right up front, so here you go!

This weekend's sale code is "Strange", and we're offering an additional 25% off our lowest posted price. Just enter "Strange" in the comments section of the offer screen along with an offer that's 25% less than our current ask & we'll accept.

NOW, onto the rest of our weekly news & views. 

I don't have any confirmed dates yet, but I was contacted this week by our contact at the movie promotions company that we work with, and we're going to be doing something big for the Dr. Strange premiere. We're talking, advanced screening tickets, swag, movie posters, all kinds of stuff. 

I'll let you guys know more details as the movie's release approaches, but if you want tickets to the screening, feel free to go ahead and start emailing us and we'll get a list going.

This is the same movie promotions company that gave us about 75 tickets to Civil War back in April, so I'm expecting a similar situation for Dr. Strange. So if you're in Atlanta, and will be in town the first week of November, go ahead and let us know if you'd like to go.

Now on to our favorite part of the week, amazing pictures of new stock heading to the site this week. 

